Friday, September 26, 2008

In North Korea, games play you...

Not really, games don't actually play you in North Korea, but complaining about them isn't the best idea either. A photographer submitted some photos to UK:RESISTANCE of a Korean Arcade. There look to be some classics there, albeit, not there for the same nostalgic reason that you could find these at FunSpot in Laconia, NH, but because it is possibly the best this arcade could come up with.

According to the photographer, a lot of the buttons don't work on most of the machines, the screens are usually screwed up, and the boxes in general look terribly dirty. The craziest comment is that a game of Out-Run 2 costs $4! That's obscenely overpriced for an arcade gaming experience, especially sine typical arcade sessions on one credit last less than five minutes! He/she took some fantastic photos though, so it's worth checking out. It's more or less the "Third World" of video gaming.

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