Tuesday, May 20, 2008

There's never time at all...

So as part of my design projects, I plan on redesigning the blog to be a little bit more my own. Blogspot makes it pretty easy to customize for your own unique-ness and I drew up a sketch of what I plan on changing. Nothing major, mainly my own graphics and color scheme. It probably won't happen overnight as I'm going to test everything out, but then again it's not like anyone actually reads this anyway.

Searching through the blogs of others, particularly the ones brave enough to post where they get their information from shows an interesting web of information. I can't help but wonder where it all starts, however, particularly the blogs about everything under the sun. To post as much as those authors do shows a large devotion of time by them which I simply cannot keep up with, but I still enjoy having this creative outlet.

One such link I found through kitsune noir was this great design blog called the dieline showcasing sweet package design. Package design was always something a Professor I had at University emphasized as being one of the most unique forms of Graphic Design since it entails a number of other art forms in one piece. The size, shape, color choice, everything you see on packages was (hopefully) a deliberate decision made by a designer such as the package below for Gulf Pacific Rice.

It's a very interesting field of Graphic Design, albeit probably the most ambitious, but just looking at this package for instance is pretty inspiring. The whole attitude of, "I see what you did there," keeps knocking around inside my head, I'm just hoping something takes hold and gets me off my ass to do some design work. I mean making packaging for rice, soap, vodka, etc. may not sound interesting, but the designer's problem that they have to solve is to make people want to look at something that could be deemed boring.

The new Coldplay song is pretty damn catchy eh?

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