Friday, May 2, 2008

The doctor said they'd never get her all sewn up...

So I haven't started shaking yet, or breaking into the first floor of homes to steal a VCR to obtain a fix of World of Warcraft. I decided two years without an actual break of a month or more of doing any activity like that is a bit much. Make no mistakes, that game totally owned my life, if not my life then pretty much every Tuesday and Wednesday night, as well as all day Saturday and Sunday.

I'm wondering what it's going to be like going the entire day tomorrow without playing. World of Warcraft being up a short flight of stairs after all. I just hope I don't end up like Leonardo Dicaprio in the Basketball Diaries.

I blame the recent decision to stop playing WoW entirely on coming across an article in one of two recent magazine purchases. STEP: Inside Design and PRINT are primarily at fault. The article in question spoke about the best of the youngest designers out there, and how one was only 25 years old and is doing stuff that is not just lightyears ahead of me, but make me look like I never even graduated with a degree in the field of graphic design.

I have a few design projects of my own in the pipelines for now and will begin posting them when they are done. My goal is to have them in some way available to the general public.

I've been rocking two new albums on rotation lately, but as always with me, they're not necessarily "new" in the truest sense of the word. One being Ulrich Schnauss' "Goodbye", a melodic mix of electronic and Bloc Party's "Silent Alarm" which I'm sure everyone recognizes the name on some level. "Goodbye" has been treating my ears well though, the title track especially coming in at nearly seven minutes is my favorite track on the whole album. It's definitely something different for me, as is this whole rash of music I've been listening to. I also managed to acquire tickets to see Silver Mt. Zion at the Middle East in a few weeks which I'm psyched about. The last instrumental band I saw was Red Sparrowes when they opened for Breather Resist more than likely over two years ago. The vibe is very zombified when said instrumental band is tight, and who doesn't like turning into a zombie sometimes?

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