So I'm under the impression that when a comic book is able to hit issue #50 and maintain it's commericial and critical success, it's a pretty big deal. Robert Kirkman, the writer behind Battle Pope and The Astounding Wolfman, has hit it big with "The Walking Dead". Anyone who reads comics books has at least heard of it, and most of those people assuredly read it too. This comic is one of the few that has been able to bridge the gap between comic fans and people who don't read them at all. Whether it be the somewhat grounded reality, the prevalent Lord of the Flies-ish theme, or just the zombies, people
really like this series. Kirkman was so kind as to do an
interview with Newsarama the comic book resource where he makes ambiguous remarks about the future about all the characters and story. It's nice to see he's a fairly normal guy though, despite his story line featuring baby-cide.
The moment that used to drive me crazy when I was a Supervisor at Gamestop is finally about to hit, that is when the big
console systems drop in price value after E3, before the holiday shopping season starts in September. Mostly because I already had all three and seeing the price drop dramatically in a seemingly small amount of time used to upset me. Some big-time financial analyst is predicting that unless the console prices continue to drop at least $50 a year, then the financial growth in console video gaming will be
DEAD by 2011 unless a new console is introduced. We'll start with the initial $50 drop though, it might make me want to pick up a PS3.
Not like it needed any kind of press, but the Penny Arcade Game is getting released today. Stuff like this seems like it could unravel the universe though, when video gamings two biggest critics make something of their own. Other reviewers are either going to hate the game because their jealous of the duo behind Penny Arcade, or because it is
actually a bad game. I'm hoping to check it out, however, and just from the trailer it looks like it's worth having just for the satirical and comical writing the two are more than capable of producing. It is available for download,