Week Beginning 4/7/08:
I'm not sure exactly what it is about Mondays, but no other day of the week has me dragging ass as bad as today. I wish there was some kind of sordid tale of me being out at all hours of the night, completely pissed drunk and causing random acts of vandalism, but last night consisted of me folding laundry and pondering whether or not the X-Box 360 Wireless Adaptor would be worth $100 (verdict still says, "no").
In Art/Culture:
Now I really haven't incredibly inspired lately, so I am in need of a cultural kick in the ass; an injection of inspiration to get me back on track with designing and writing music again. There are steps I'm taking to remedy the situation, one of which being a long forgotten periodical I always said I would subscribe to but of course bailed out on. I just started up a subscription with Juxtapoz: Art & Culture magazine as a first step, and I am looking for the other publication that I picked up at a Dedham T Station that focuses on design and being proactive about various causes. Seeing the work of others, especially when I know it's something I can do, always seems to motivate me the most over and above anything else.
In Gaming:
In other news, I have been picking up packs of the World of Warcraft Trading Card Game in the hopes that I may never have to play another human being. The fear of being annihilated in a game of skill by someone who is way more socially inept than I have ever been is far from being irrational, but I feel playing the raid deck with someone against what is effectively a Dungeon Master would make me feel a little bit better about it. At least if I go down playing against a DM,
I'm taking people with me. I'll attempt to play this at some point in the near future in the hopes that I won't get
completely embarassed.
In Comics:
I've also been on the hunt for the newest issue of "The Mice Templar" which was supposed to drop in March but I haven't seen it. The Official website still has Issue#3 listed as the "Current Issue" and even acknowledges that the next issue would be due out in March. The long and short of it being where the hell is Issue #4? The already have the summary up for both Issue #4 and #5 on Oeming's site
here. As I have only recently been getting back into Graphic Novels and comics, I'm surprised with the advent of the internet that many publishers do not give the chance to order comics direct, but instead tell you where in your area you can buy their books. They're operating like some kind of strange wholesaler, most likely because being able to buy direct would put many privately owned comic shops out of business, and nobody would like that.
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