I got to watch the film version of the Stephen King novella The Mist. From what I saw, and the premise that the story is based on, it's easy to see how it could've easily influenced video games like Half Life or even Doom. The military totally drops the ball when they screw up the "Arrowhead Project", opening an interdimensional rift in Maine causing a bunch of nasties to spill onto Earth's surface and kill pretty much everything. The creatures range from a swarm of tentacles to creepy spider like creatures that shoot acid webbing and lay eggs inside of people. It was entertaining to say the least, and I enjoyed seeing Thomas Jane (who I'm pretty sure is Aaron Eckhart 's clone or distant relation) beat the shit out of a Pterodactyl with a broom handle. This film's nods to Lovecraft got me interested in another medium that nods to the same thing, Mike Mignola's series of comics, whether it be Hellboy or the B.P.R.D. books.
As I'm pretty sure Baron's in Bridgewater is M.I.A., all of my comic shopping needs are now being met by going directly to the publisher, or random internet vendors of questionable intent that sell through Amazon. One person's perspective on "Like New" after all might be way different than mine, but what can you do. Eventually I'll figure out something where people are cool enough to give me these things for review, a friend of mine was able to get the Tartan Extreme film library under this pretense, hopefully I'll be as fortunate.
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